I'm beginning to think that my band is really a secret plot by someone out there to turn me vegetarian.
I don't get stuck with any frequency on anything except MEAT. All meat, unless it's finely minced and chewed into oblivion... and even then sometimes.
Grrrrr. As much as I love legumes, and I love dairy, neither is as satisfying for the duration as meat is.
I did have a fill on the 22nd, and managed to make it through all of last week with only one stuck episode, on an ill-chewed shrimp. As I type this, however, I'm squirming in agony and spitting into a cup..... which I've been doing for the last 30 minutes. I did the same thing last night and for lunch on soft fish.
I just want to be able to eat lean protein in the form of meat (and eggs, which also get stuck all the damn time) without discomfort.
I know I'm not overfilled, as I'm able to eat just about anything else in more than adequate quantities.